Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Nick Cook

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This plan in conjunction with many others, substations, larger wind farms all along the Suffolk coastal area will cause irreparable damage to the environment and local communities that is unthinkable in the modern day. Green energy yes but not to the cost of whole communities, local businesses, AONB, wildlife. In a time when the mental well being of our population sits at the very forefront of our concerns the whole approach by the respective power companies is to cause as much confusion and despair as possible through the continuous bombardment of their submissions and requests for feedback. There is wholesale opposition to these projects from every community in Suffolk, yet the power companies just plough on, regardless. Enough is enough, Sizewell B has another 20 years to run, now is not the time to be constructing new monolith power stations. Analysis shows that we can build bigger wind farms offshore and erect substations at sea and therefore this has to be the way forward. Yes I accept there is an increased cost associated with offshore substations but that cost is insignificant compared with the human, coastal and wildlife cost of all these projects on shore that the power companies have planned. How can any governing body, planning inspectorate or local authority endorse such wanton destruction and mental torture of great swathes of the country's rural community. This must and has to be stopped in its tracks and no planning permission be granted.