Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Paul Collins

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following concerns about EDF’s Sizewell C DCO Application; 1. The site is too small for a dual nuclear reactor installation and is well below the expectations of EN-6 2. Site size constraints have forced the platform to be too close to the sea to allow a competent coastal defence to be designed and implemented 3. With climate change, the installation is at risk from sea level rise, increasing storm surge frequency and intensity 4. Geomorphological assessments have used an inappropriate “reasonable assessment” rather than H++ as required in planning law 5. EDF’s coastal zone of influence does not reflect Scoping Report Opinion from the Secretary of State 6. Substation connections will use pylons that are taller than existing National Grid transmission pylons and are incompatible with the AONB designation 7. The development will have an adverse effect on multiple designated sites of ecological, heritage, landscape and amenity for 12 years and the access road will sever the AONB permanently damage connectivity between Minsmere and Sizewell Marsh 8. Changes to inland hydrology will impact all fauna and flora within Sizewell Marsh and Minsmere Levels that collectively host one of the most ecologically diverse areas in the UK 9. Hydrological impacts of the development will irrevocably impact the draining of Sizewell Marsh into south Minsmere Levels and to Minsmere Sluice 10. Impacts to Minsmere Sluice and Levels are not adequately assessed 11. Impacts of noise and pollution due to the creation and back-filling of borrow pits close to Eastbridge are not adequately addressed 12. Landscape, fugitive dust and runoff impacts from 30 metre spoil, sand and gravel heaps on the 15-metre contour within the AONB are not adequately assessed or addressed 13. The cooling water thermal plume will damage the UK’s ability to meet its climate change obligations in the Paris Agreement and it’s net zero by 20250 commitment 14. Assessments of cumulative impacts within the development and between it and the eight other energy projects are inadequate 15. Eastbridge and Theberton will be subject to unacceptable noise and light pollution impacts for the 10-12 years of the construction 16. Eastbridge and Theberton will be severed to the west by the closures of Moat Road and Pretty Lane. EDF should upgrade the bridge at Pretty Lane to take vehicles to avoid severance 17. Increases in traffic on the B1122 for 4 “early” years are unacceptable, and no construction or site clearance should commence until the Sizewell Link Road (SLR) is complete 18. If SLR cannot be completed before work starts, crossings and extended speed limits mentioned in prior consultations must be introduced along the B1122 19. Eastbridge’s single track roads have no speed limits and will be used as rat-runs from Westleton. Speed limits should be introduced within the village and EDF should enforce a no tolerance policy to fly-parking in the village I endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, Minsmere Levels Stakeholders Group, Theberton and Eastbridge Parish Council, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.