Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Fiona Raison

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

For many years I have been mildly in favour of Sizewell B and its much talked of, and planned for, successor, Sizewell C. For a long time I worked with young people in Leiston, and felt the benefits of the employment that the nuclear industry could offer to some of them. I care deeply about the environment and felt that nuclear power offered a better outlook than coal or gas-fired power. However, times have changed. Progress within the green energy industry has advanced greatly since the 1980s and I no longer feel that Sizewell C is a sensible or rational option to be supporting or be in favour of. My opinions have changed. The research and facts that are now available make the prospect of this going ahead alarming and distressing for too many. The long term pollution and traffic congestion caused while building it; the immediate damage to the beautiful environment (no matter what promises are made for restoration in the future); the costs that are too expensive and could be put into safer greener renewable energy; the EPR reactors that are not proving to be safe and reliable; rising sea levels due to climate change make it unsafe; the highly controversial involvement of finance from China. All this, and more, for an industry that by the time it is built and up and running in 25 years time, if it all goes well, will be outdated in even more ways and for more reasons thereby being even more unworthy of support. I urge you all to think again and take a braver stand against big business and economic pressures, that in the end do us all a disservice. Invest in renewables and bring more of these to our county, not Sizewell C. It will become notorious and a blot on our coast and a shame for us all that live here that we allowed it to go ahead. You have the power to stop it. Please do.