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Representation by Mr John David Sinclair

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1) Cost. The price per unit of electricity that will need to be charged to the consumer once Sizewell C is operational will be twice the price of renewable from wind, wave or solar power. The cost to the Taxpayer will be astronomical were the UK Government to financially support the building of Sizewell C. 2) Site Selection. The site is at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding. There is a potential impact on natural coastal process. The site could become an island containing nuclear reactors and stored waste. There will certainly be an adverse impact on the adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance. The Sizewell C site & Worker campus will impact the RSPB Minsmere. 3) Community, Economic and social impacts. There will be unacceptable impacts on local communities - The A12 corridor between Ipswich & Lowestoft will become a traffic nightmare for a decade during construction. Tourism may lose up to £40m a year and many jobs. Visitors to the area could be deterred. Local businesses will then lose staff. There will be significant increases in noise, light pollution and disruption. The Worker campus for 2,400 workers is in a location that is not suitable. Pressure will increase on health, social and emergency services & have a negative impact on the needs of vulnerable people. 4) Environment and Landscape. Issues include flooding as sea levels rise & landscapes change. The development would result in pollution from light, noise and traffic. Dust management is inadequate. The impact of the proposed borrow pits and landfill is not fully addressed. There is an unclear effect on Minsmere Sluice. There will be irreparable harm to Minsmere - a flagship destination of international importance and significance. This impacts on Marsh Harriers/Bittern/Otters & threatens the integrity of the Special Protection Area. There is uncertainty re supply & drainage of 3 million litres of water & sewerage during the construction period & beyond. There are risks to groundwater levels & surrounding habitats There will be a catastrophic impact on the landscape character because the locality, design and scale as the construction severs the AONB. It is impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage. The CO2 from construction won’t be offset for at least 6 years from the date of first operation. This is years too late as the latest science informs that a drastic cut in CO2 levels needs to be made within the next 10 years. The stored nuclear waste inherited by future generations will be an unsafe & unwanted legacy for the next century or so. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB & SWT. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process. [Redacted]