Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jocelyn Bond (Jocelyn Bond)

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The following combines and tries to reflect the very relevant views of as many of the residents I represent in the Ward (who have contacted me, and also my fellow Ward member Cllr Haworth-Culf) as possible. Cumulative impact of this project alongside the multiple Energy NSIPs coming forward on this coast requires urgent consideration. An early overview from the Inspectorate to the Secretary of State would be vital on this subject. Despite the 8 years of involvement in this project, the lack of in-depth detail is unsatisfactory. Of the information provided, much appears to require further challenging and interrogation. Mental wellbeing of residents affected by the process so far lasting 8 years and ongoing into the future, stress and strain that requires recognising and assistance provided. Additional burdens relating to COVID restrictions – learning new ways of communicating for all – leaves many residents feeling confused and disenfranchised. Concern that the NSIP process is inappropriate for this application. So far, no information to provide confidence that any economic boom will not result in a corresponding bust. Rural Parishes’ input lacks acknowledgment and productive action from the applicant. Concern over night rail movements’ impact on nearby residents. Dissatisfaction that a comprehensive rail use plan has yet to be provided. Unacceptable road over rail and sea bias. This would have an unreasonably adverse impact on local communities, and cause significant damage to the tourism economy both locally and in the wider area. Together with adverse publicity of the build the perception of the area as a desirable place to live and visit would be hugely diminished. Irreparable damage potentially to be caused to Minsmere and other RAMSAR / AONB land, together with biodiversity reduction, particularly relevant when there is wide acceptance of a Climate Emergency. Intrusive avoidable pylons. Inappropriate shore defence plan. Socio – Economic - the effect on residents of particularly Leiston-cum-Sizewell (and other neighbouring Parishes), of the majority of workers being based in the area needs to be acknowledged and mitigated for. Reassurance is required that any apprenticeships and skills be primarily sourced through Alde Valley Academy and Suffolk College on the Coast. Emergency services support, deficiencies of cover and availability during construction - no mention of how this would be mitigated against yet. Campus - alternative options for location require consideration by EDF; there is no legacy for the current site(s), impacts on local communities include noise, light, pollution particularly by traffic, and social pressures. No recognition that all other significant infrastructure works ought to be completed prior to commencement of building SZC. Sizewell Link Road - no justification offered for the choice of current route, which is lacking legacy or merit. B1122, Sizewell Gap Road and others – no acceptable solution offered for the first 2 years usage before completion of the Link Road. Many impacts overall would be so great mitigation would be impossible.