Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Melanie Wilde

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our family owns and lives at [Redacted] We are greatly concerned about some aspects of the Sizewell C project and therefore wish to register as an interested party for the DCO process. EDF have not adequately explored ways of reducing the volume of materials they intend to move via road, which will lead to an excessive number of lorries on Suffolk's very limited road network. This will in turn cause unwarranted levels of travel disruption and harm the properties and lives of those living adjacent to the roads used. Rail transport should intrinsically be preferred over road transport, and EDF seem to have only half-heartedly looked at their rail options. Whilst we welcome the inclusion of a Two Village Bypass, we are not satisfied that EDF have chosen the most appropriate route. Their suggested alignment only benefits those Farnham residents that currently live alongside the current A12 (by moving the road away from them), without adequately considering the plight of those who currently lived in the unspoilt parts of the same parish (for whom the road will be moving closer). In common with many others, we fully support the better bypass alignment proposed by Farnham with Stratford St. Andrew Parish Council. This passes to the east of Foxburrow Wood and avoids the need for the hugely deep cuttings required by EDF's western route (which potentially puts this ancient woodland at risk and requires veteran trees to be felled). It also reduces the number of adversely affected properties from 14 down to just 1 (which is rarely occupied). It also severs less public rights-of-way and maintains direct connectivity between parishioners and their customary walks to and from this 'Bluebell wood' amenity. We are also very concerned by EDF's proposal to use land almost immediately adjacent to our property for their bypass construction compound. We believe that inadequate mitigation has been included to protect us from the adverse effects of this compound - such as noise, light, dust and visual intrusion. We also find the suggested hours of operation unacceptable, as this will seriously affect the use of our garden and therefore our well-being.