Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by David Mears

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern over the proposed Sizewell C installation. My principal objections are as follows: - Location - This is clearly the wrong project in the wrong place. It's devastating impact on the adjacent internationally recognised sites of immeasurable ecological importance, will be catastrophic, and irreversible. There will be a disastrous impact on neighbouring sites of amenity, cultural heritage, and landscape of unique and irreplaceable beauty. This location is also vulnerable to future climate changes. Particularly with regard to rising sea levels and attendant flooding. There is a significant danger that this site could be cut off from the mainland, complete with it's 5 reactors and stored waste. And the presence of 8 other planned energy projects in this area, certainly doesn't help! Environment & Landscape - Clearly the most horrific destruction generated by this nightmarish development, will fall on the uniquely beautiful, and immeasurably precious local environment. Irreparable damage will be served on Minsmere, an area of international significance. The devastating impact on Marsh Harriers alone, must surely fatally undermine the integrity of this Special Protection Area This horrendous development will generate intolerable levels of pollution from light, noise, and traffic. I note that proposals for management of dust from spoil heaps and stockpiles are inadequate. And the impact of proposed borrow pits and landfill has not been adequately addressed. Disturbingly, there is no clarity regarding drainage and supply of 3M litres of potable water for the construction period and beyond The loss of flood storage on the development site will ensure widespread flooding presents an ever present risk. As well as ensuring unacceptable risk to groundwater levels and surrounding habitats and ecology. Incredibly, construction will be allowed to sever the AONB. The location, scale, and design of this monstrous project will have a catastrophic impact on local landscape and ecology which will be impossible to compensate for.. Ever! Community. Economic & Social Impacts - This Project will generate intolerable pressure on local communities: Severance, traffic, noise and light pollution, and unacceptable disruption. 6000 workers will come and live in the area. 2400 in a 'Worker Campus' in a completely inappropriate location. The thriving local tourism looks set to lose up to £40m and 400 jobs. EDF's assurances regarding employment opportunities, are laughable, with most such local 'opportunities being in low paid jobs in 'Site Support'. Transport - Road based transport plans are an insult to the intelligence, and indeed, have already been rejected by all Statutory Consulties on Consultations. Security - In an increasingly volatile and unstable world, this Project brings to an area of relative peace and tranquillity, a tempting target for all manner of miscreants. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C.