Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mr David Beaumont

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have followed EDF Energy’s consultations on Sizewell C, keeping an open mind, but I have now come to the conclusion that this planning application is flawed and inadequate, consequently I OBJECT to the proposed plans for Sizewell C. I therefore wish to register my concerns with a number of issues related to EDF Energy’s planning application for Sizewell C. 1. Impact on Environment Whilst recognising the benefits of a National, diverse, balanced, and sustainable energy industry and resource, I believe that the proposed expansion of the nuclear facility at Sizewell, with the inclusion of Sizewell C, is ill conceived and totally in appropriate for a number of reasons: a) Nuclear energy may be low carbon but it is not carbon neutral which is what the UK energy sector should be striving for or better in an era of climate change. We now know that to prolong an energy source that is expensive to build, maintain and decommission whilst leaving a legacy that contaminates its site for hundreds of years is not worthy of consideration when other low carbon, sustainable energy sources exist. b) This project will have an adverse impact on an area of internationally recognised ecological amenity (e.g. Suffolk Coast & Heaths ANOB), including the RSPB Minsmere bird sanctuary which it will abut. c) The combined Sizewell site, with multiple reactors (e.g. more than 3), will raise the risk of nuclear accidents (e.g. Fukushima, Japan) and being a potential terrorist target endangering not only the local communities but the whole of East Anglia and its economy which the UK relies on. 2. Impacts on Infrastructure In my opinion, EDF Energy’s logistical plans to accommodate, build and supply the site both in its construction and operation are totally inadequate and will have a disastrous impact on the existing and proposed infrastructure by road, rail and sea for at least a decade or more. I am particularly concerned about the use of the A12 between Woodbridge and A12/A14 Severn Hills junction with a proposed increase in heavy vehicle usage of about 300 vehicles per day. 3. Impact on Communities It seems People always come last in the pecking order when planning developments of this size but it should be noted that large housing developments are abutting the length of the A12 from the access to the proposed site to the A12/A14 Seven Hills junction. Some of these properties are less than 50m from the A12 carriageway and the occupants are already suffering noise, air and light pollution which was not in existence when the properties built. The continual pollution caused by an additional 300+ heavy goods vehicles a day for many years will be intolerable for the occupants. In conclusion, in addition to the above comments I wish endorse the Relevant Representation of Suffolk County Council, the RSPB and Stop Sizewell C. Furthermore, I consider that the Sizewell C application should be examined at a public fora and it is not suitable for a digital examination process.