Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mr Graham I Bickers

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs Re Relevant Representation I am writing with great concerns regarding the proposed development of Sizewell C I have too make clear that is the wrong development in the wrong location 1 Siting .The development platform is to small to permit the development of two reactors, being below by the EN6 guidance 2 Transport and Freight. The road led strategy has now superseded original levels over sea and rail ( now virtually forming only a very small % of the strategy The impact of all elements of this development and its construction rely solely on access via one pinch point to the East of the site and directly on the B1122 this bring further pressures on our small community This could be mitigated by using the south side of the site to reduce congestion at the main entrance. 3 Accommodation. It is clear one of these elements is the Accommodation which increases the pressure at the pinch point and could so easily be moved to one of EDF's original options (Leiston East) which has better correlation, giving access for workers into the the south of the site and to be closers to facilities of Leiston town centre. Thus reducing pressure into the main entrance (less car movements) and the roads around the local community The report from Boyer and Cannon (July 2017) supports this, with EDF's preferred option Eastbridge Lane ( main site ) having the biggest cumulative impact of all proposals The infastraure/buildings of this site could be used as a legacy 4 The effect on Theberton & Eastbridge communities in regard to road network is of huge concern The roads apart from the B1122 are all narrow single track and are not fit for purpose (grass grows down the middle of roads) has lack of passing places and is highly likely to be used for access and exit from the development by workers, cars, vans, deliveries, all using our hamlets raod as rat run This will endanger walkers drivers and residents, also causing great concerns for access for emergency vehicles, doctors carers and nurses in what is retiring community This must be strongly conditioned in any planning consent (if given) with vehicle monitoring camera's signage, speed limits, restricted access 5 Impact on Environment & Biodiversity Wildlife will lose habitat including Marsh Harrier, Bats (endangered) and many other species This area needs to be support its wildlife not destroy it 6 No clear figures are known from EDF in regards to Pollution, dust pollution from soil heaps 100metres high, disruption, light pollution of our clear sky's, noise pollution, average sound levels at present levels being around 25 decibels 7 Other Energy Matters. Additional impact of other uncoordinated energy projects 8 Blighting. Lack of mitigation regarding the huge blight the development will have on our lives, our property values and our mental and physical health within our community over many years 9 Economic Impact on tourism, employment, housing availability I would like to endorse the submissions made by Theberton and Eastbridge Parish Council and Stop Sizewell C Your Sincerely G I Bickers