Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jenny Labbett

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My submissions That there should be no Park and Ride at Wickham Market for environmental and safety reasons Wickham Market is a small, and - until now - a relatively quiet village with narrow roads. It is already getting busier, following the construction of many new homes, with more planned. It cannot sustain further increased through traffic. There will be noise and air pollution throughout the village, and it will not be safe to walk on the narrow pavements. It will totally change the character of the village. Across the A12 from Wickham Market, in Lower Hacheston, traffic volumes along the B1078 (from Campsey Ashe towards the A12) are already high, with many speeding drivers. The police statistics in 2016 were as follows: 11,000 vehicles per week (Campsey Ashe to the A12) 79% of vehicles speeding The figures from the A12 to Campsey Ashe were as follows: 10,000 vehicles per week 61% speeding This part of the B1078 is used as a cut through from Rendlesham, and the volume of traffic will rise further with the construction and usage of the park and ride. This part of the B1078 is not suitable for lorries. Most of it has no pavement, and it is dangerous for residents to walk along. The park and ride site itself will blight this part of Suffolk for years. There will be a great loss of natural habitat. There will be severe light pollution which will affect the nearby villages. Please note that many of the observations and mitigation recommendations from the local community have been omitted or ignored so far. That the traffic along the A12 will increase, damaging the local economy The A12 is already busy. Notwithstanding the proposed 2- or 4- village bypass, the increased traffic will be a deterrent to using the A12, so the local economy of East Suffolk, with its coastal destinations, will be seriously affected. That Sizewell C is not safe The proposed reactor has not been successfully tried and tested. Hinkley Point C in Somerset is way over time and budget and is not yet operational. The Flamanville site in France is the same - construction began in 2007! - and repairs are currently being undertaken. No reactor of the same type should be built at Sizewell in these circumstances. That, by the time Sizewell C is completed, it will be out of date Given the lengthy delays (of many years) to other EDF nuclear projects at Hinkley Point and Flamanville, it is certain that the technology employed at Sizewell C will have been superceded by the time it is complete. That local workers will not benefit Local people are unlikely to benefit long term from the employment opportunities at Sizewell, since many of the permanent jobs will be highly skilled and will require specific expertise, which will be imported from elsewhere in the UK or abroad. That the danger to the environment of storing nuclear waste is unacceptable Our environment, in Suffolk and elsewhere, is precious.