Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Graham Booker

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Location: The proposed nuclear power station is I think the incorrect project for the site, given the following : Site is vulnerable to the vagaries of the sea, given that sea levels are set to rise due to the now scientifically proven consequences of climate change and that this coast has a history of storm surges it would to me to seem foolish to grant permission for the building of the station as proposed. The infrastructure as described will almost certainly have an impact on local coastal processes, which are already proving to be a problem on this coastline. The proposed development is likely to impact internationally important wildlife sites which have a very significant part to play in the conservation of our dwindling biodiversity. Also it is proposed to be built in an area valued for it's amenity value, drawing tourism internationally which is attractive to visitors as a consequence of the heritage sites in the locality. There of course also remains the issue of waste from the already existing power station and the very great financial cost and associated environmental impact of decommissioning that project. Please do not take us down the road of having yet more mess to clean up in the future. I object to the proposed scheme also as I feel it would very seriously impact our communities due to the seriously inflated use of our local infrastructure, increased traffic, unwelcome construction noise, industrial plant movement not to mention the increase in night time light pollution and its effect both on human and wildlife populations. The idea of importing upwards of six thousand workers all of whom will need to live locally in accomodation that in it's self I do not support. The proposed development will have a significant and long term detrimental effect on our tourist economy causing significant loss of income to the area and the consequential loss of employment , this in it's self is i feel reason enough to not allow it. We already have a problem locally with insufficient private rental property, this development will cause meaningful increased pressure on that sector. i do not believe that local people will benefit from the proposed site as most of the jobs that will be created will be low skill poorly paid and the loss of tourism will mean there is no net gain in jobs. Local services are already stretched and really really do not need increases inpreassure on health, social services, emergency services and the often hidden but nonetheless important impacts on vulnerable people. Road based transport plan is not sustainable; enormous and bad impact on local communities and the visitor economy. HGV numbers are as high as those under “Road-Led” proposals rejected by all statutory consultees in consultations Delay in the construction of new road infrastructure means villages would endure 2-3 years of increased traffic New roads would sever communities, damage the rural footpath system and divide farmland. Rat-running and disruption not adequately considered. Alternative relief road routes with legacy value not adequately assessed by EDF I cannot stress enough how much I oppose this project for the above reasons and I would ask you to please reject it completely thank you .