Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Tom Ash

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

While I am in favour of nuclear power providing an element of the UK’s power needs I have grave reservations about EDF’s proposals for Sizewell C. 1. There is no strategy in the UK for dealing with the waste generated by nuclear power stations. The options for storing it on site are not acceptable. It leaves the area where the power station is/was located bearing the brunt of this long lasting problem whereas the rest of the country has in the main benefited from the output from these plants yet they take no part in resolving the issue. Until it is resolved nationally we should not be building new nuclear power stations. 2. This is a large power plant remote from the area where the power is required. There will be significant power losses from transmitting the power to the areas of need. It relies on imported technology whereas the UK has failed to explore the opportunities that ‘home grown’ smaller factory built and cheaper reactors could provide in meeting the UK’s power needs and the advantages this has to the UK economy as a whole. The building of Sizewell C should at least be deferred until this opportunity for the UK has been explored further. 3. EDF’s proposals on the promise of local jobs are not clear. If there is to be a reliance on local employment why is it necessary to build such a large accommodation block? It is evident that EDF intend to import the majority of its skilled workforce from elsewhere in the UK or from abroad. We don’t have the necessary infrastructure locally to train the necessary workforce and there are no concrete proposals on how this can be achieved. There are only 1500 apprenticeships planned. This only leaves low skilled jobs for the local people. Currently the local economy is reliant on the tourist industry that is generated through the existence of the AONB and SSSIs including the RSPB’s flagship reserve at Minsmere, on the doorstep of Sizewell C. This significant part of the local economy will diminish during construction but there is no indication that the Sizewell C will fill the gap in local employment. 4. Transport during construction will be quite significant. The construction of a two village bypass will overcome the difficulties of the narrow corner in Farnham but Marlesford and Little Glemham will still suffer from the noise, vibration and pollution of the significant number of additional HGVs passing through the heart of the villages. There will undoubtedly be a lot more traffic on the A12 and the surrounding roads. While EDF might restrict the HGVs to certain routes this will not be the case for workers cars and other traffic associated with the site. 5. In addition to pollution from construction and delivery vehicles due to the nature of the area there will be significant dust pollution, and noise will spread. Light pollution will affect the local area with the consequent and detrimental effect on the local wildlife.