Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mr Joseph H. Alexander

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Relevant Representation by Mr.J.H.Alexander, [Redacted] The main issues that concern me about the proposed Sizewell C development are listed below. However I would also like to say that I endorse the Relevant Representation made by the StopSizewellC group which covers other issues that I consider extremely important. I also believe the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital/virtual examination process.   1. Local infrastructure and Transport Options - the current road infrastructure is already inadequate for the needs of the local population and tourism even before the introduction of more Sizewell C traffic. - the proposed improvements to the A12 are totally inadequate and will not relieve even the existing traffic congestion during peak periods. A full upgrade of the road network should be completed before any construction occurs at Sizewell. - even with improved transport links, HGV numbers and Sizewell personnel traffic would severely alter the character and appeal of the area. - there would inevitably be an unacceptable increase in traffic using country lanes in the locality, making cycling extremely hazardous and ruining the ability to enjoy the peace and beauty of the area. - proposed relief road routes will have no lasting benefit for the community. Increased train movements and many heavy goods trains will create an unacceptable disturbance through noise and vibration to those living near the railway line. Perhaps a link line by-passing major settlements should be considered if the work proceeds. 2. Location of this proposed development. I am concerned that there may be adverse effects both at the site and elsewhere along the coast of erosion and similar processes. the long term effects of sea level change do not appear to have been adequately addressed. An adverse effect on the local ecology seems virtually inevitable, particularly effecting the AONB around Minsmere. 3. Impact on both the local economy and community. the increase in volume of traffic and associated noise will drastically impair the quality of life for people living in the region. Tourism is bound to be greatly reduced, a great loss to the local economy There will be additional strain on local health and other services which are finding difficulty in coping with current demand. - There will be inadequate gains in employment (especially in the long term) to offset the financial and cultural losses to the community.