Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Alison Hainey

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I also consider the Sizewell C planning submission to be too nationally significant and be totally unsuitable for the digital submission process. The reasons I wish to object to the development of Sizewell C are the negative impact the project will have on :- 1. Location Over the last 30 years we have become very familiar with the natural beauty and special qualities of the Suffolk heaths and coastline and the wide range of habitats and wildlife they support. I feel passionately that this rural area will not sustain the scale and nature of the construction programme and development proposed for Sizewell C . The proposals sever the coastal area designated as ANOB and will have an adverse impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance and sites of amenity, cultural heritage and landscape value. 2.Environment and Biodiversity The proposed development will have a long term and major negative impact on the environment and a wide range of habitats. Fluctuations in ground water water levels resulting from water abstraction, possible flooding due to loss of flood storage will have a major impact on fragile coastal habitats. Added pollution caused by dust, light and noise will also have a detrimental effect on the landscape generally. Nearby Minsmere, a nature reserve noted as of national importance. Is also vulnerable to the impact and large scale of the development close by. 3.Local Communities Impact of loss of tourism and visitors to the area will be significant loss to local economy and loss of employment for local workforce. The influx of outside work force being brought in for construction, particularly temporary accommodation for 2400 workers will damage the small adjacent villages typical of the area beyond repair. 4.Transport The road based transport plan not sustainable. The increase resulting from large numbers of construction vehicles/ HGV travelling through the area will have enormously harmful effects on widespread local communities and be positively dangerous on narrow rural roads. Proposed new roads will sever the existing established footpath system and divide farmland 5. Generally It is also a major concern that this is one of eight uncoordinated energy projects planned in this area which could destroy the infrastructure of this unique rural setting.?