Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Andrew Charles sayle

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

With Regard to the current proposal from EDF - Historically Sizewell may have been seen as a sensible location for a nuclear power station but times have changed and the priorities that we have for the conservation of sites of ecological importance should take precedence and the current proposals from EDF come nowhere near addressing these issues. The site is also threatened by the impact of climate change on sea levels. This is the wrong project in the wrong place. If the go ahead is given then the proposals on transport are totally ludicrous. The infrastructure changes proposed are nowhere near adequate and will have a devastating effect on the local environment principally due to the reliance on road transport as the primary means of moving materials. This is EDF's solution purely due to cost considerations and takes no account of the environmental consequences that will be suffered by local residents and the impact it will almost certainly have on tourism in the area. So that will be a negative impact on two fronts - ecologically and financially. A marine solution for delivery of materials is the only sensible option, although it may not be the cheapest. Yours, Charlie Sayle