Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Andrew J. Freese

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about the proposed Sizewell C Nuclear Power Station:- 1. The Site is too small for the proposed development and is smaller than the area defined for a two reactor station. 2.The Site is in an AONB. 3. The Site is adjacent to Minsmere Nature Reserve which is not likely to survive the construction period. 4. The Site is on an erroding coast at a time of rising sea levels. There is a real risk of the Site becoming an island in the medium term. 5. The unknown impact of the development on coastal errosion 5. The Site has inadequate supporting infrastructure especially, road and rail. 6. The site is located a considerable distance from areas of high electrical demand. 7. Few long term local jobs will be created which will be more than offset by jobs lost in the tourist industry. The tourist industry will be destroyed. 8. High levels of pollution during the construction period. 9. Carbon footprint of construction will take at least 20 years to offset. 10. Negative impact of up to 6000 workers over a ten year period. 11. The impact of road transport proposals on local communities. 12. Refusal of EDF to give me any assurances re. controlling of rat running which has been an unresolved issue at Hinkley C. 11. The real possibility of other technologies rendering the reactors obsolete before completion. 12. A recent report prepared for the French Government on Flamanville states:- "There is still uncertainty on the ability of the French nuclear industry to build new nuclear reactors within a timeframe and costs that remain acceptable". It is unlikely that this development would be providing power at a reasonable cost or in an adequate time frame. 13. Not one reactor of the proposed design is yet generating electricity in Europe. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, The Alde and Ore Association, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and R.S.P.B. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process. Andrew Freese FRICS