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Representation by Pro Corda Trust / Leiston Abbey (Pro Corda Trust / Leiston Abbey)

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Pro Corda Trust's representation focuses its concern as the charitable trust and business responsible for the running of Leiston Abbey, the acknowledged closest publicly accessible site to the proposed Construction worker campus for the Sizewell C project. As set out to EDF throughout the 3 stages of submission thus far, our primary concerns within this representation are: - Security, including child protection as a national music education charity serving over 2,000 children and young people at the Leiston Abbey site each year, over 50% of whom are vulnerable with disabilities and additional needs. Within security we also wish to make representation on controlling visitor flow through to the public heritage site we are responsible for which is on the doorstep of the worker campus. - Noise. (Both from construction work and also new rail route/road traffic supplying the proposed power station and campus.) We wish to make representations on the impact on our education sessions, on our public community concerts and on those young people we work with who have additional needs - especially autism - who require special consideration and mitigation should the development proceed. - Physical impact. The impact of construction phases on an ancient site - both the heritage asset (which we have responsibility for under local management agreement with English Heritage) and our listed buildings and monuments on site. - Visual impact. Impacts from the scale and massing of new build structures and infrastructure including lighting and floodlights at the worker campus, rail sidings etc. - Road layout. The impacts on access to and from a site where we have vulnerable children staying (many with additional health needs.) - Disruption to business. Our business across all the operational areas of the charity relies on the tranquil and "retreat" aspects (and selling points) of the Leiston Abbey site. The dramatic changes to the immediately surrounding landscapes together with its increased population puts this at great risk, and for which we are seeking mitigation.