Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Katie Redgrave

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Site: - I believe this is a wholly inappropriate site, further expansion and adaption of Sizewell could cause significant impact to coastal processes - The site would have a serious and adverse affect on wildlife at a time when it is in need of most protection - including species which rely on Minsmere as a breeding site and migration site (such as Marsh Harriers). Impact on community - I oppose the influx of workers both on and off-site to an area that continues to suffer from complex social issues as a result of the previous construction of Sizewell - Huge pressure on local housing - Pressure on social and emergency services in an area with a higher proportion of elderly and vulnerable people in remote, hard-to-access area - EDF itself says 29% of visitors could be put off from visiting the area, grossly impacting one of the county's largest industries: tourism Transport - I am personally very concerned about the plans for a potential park and ride at Wickham Market roundabout - an already busy place due to entry to A12 and increase traffic from Framlingham area due to housing expansion. - New roads would cause havoc to local areas, spoil natural beauty areas, footpaths and increase driver speeds and potential crashes - Enduring 2-3 years of increased traffic not fully considered in addition to the increased traffic from new housing estates in local areas This is the wrong project in the wrong site. The country's need for additional electricity and power cannot whilst also reducing carbon emissions cannot be met by the Sizewell C plan. The CO2 caused from construction will not be offset for at least 6 years. There has not been sufficient evidence of assessments of other, smaller nuclear reactors in existing brown field sites. If brown field sites already exist, there should be no good reason to cause further destruction of the natural world, particularly when in the grip of global climate emergency. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C.