Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Paul Pengelly

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place • Site at risk from climate change, rising sea levels and flooding; and construction could have impact on coastal processes • Site could become an actual island containing 5 nuclear reactors and stored waste • Adverse impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance and sites of amenity, cultural heritage and landscape value • ‘Road-Led’ construction system means up to 1,500 HGVs a day on a new Link Road from the A12, potentially operating 24/7; in the ‘Early Years’ of the project up to 600 HGVs/day, would use the current B1122 before any new roads or Park & Rides were ready • Local tourist trade would suffer for a decade or more, while the project would provide very few additional employment or business opportunities • EDF’s track record of financial underestimating and overspending, with years of delay in their Hinkley project in Somerset as well as their nuclear power stations in France, gives no ground for believing they would deliver the project on time or within budget • Emerging future pattern of energy supply will demand flexibility – not possible with a nuclear installation of this size • Dangers of nuclear power, and all the present and future safety precautions that have to go with it, are no longer outweighed by its benefits as compared with other energy sources – especially renewables whose technical and economic sustainability is rapidly increasing • Sizewell C would not become carbon neutral until at least 6 years after it started generating, following at least a decade of construction • Consultation process for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project has been wholly inadequate at every stage, not least because doing it digitally has proved virtually impossible I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C