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Representation by John Sutherell

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to represent the following issues of concerns on Sizewell C: Throughout the consultation period EDF have failed to address or provide sufficient detail on many of the issues arising from their proposal. Their claims/aspirations continue to be at variance with reality and need to be probed deeply, not accepted at face value. The claim that UK EPRs are proven technology is questionable. The only operating example is in China; those in Finland and France have problems. They, and Hinckley Point C, are behind schedule and over budget. EDF’s schedules and cost assessments need challenging. There is no evidence to support the claim that the coastal site is stable and secure’; it is eroding and stormy. The suitability of the geology for the construction site is questionable. Negative impacts on local communities (severance, traffic, noise/air/light pollution, health, social and emergency services) and the environment and ecology (Minsmere/AONB/ground water) are so severe that adequate mitigation and redress is impossible. Traffic volumes have been underestimated; transparency on traffic modelling assumptions has been denied. Actual traffic at Hinckley Point exceeded EDF estimates. Traffic flows on A12, A1120 and B1122 are already a source of concern. The proposed road improvements/relief road should be brought forward in the plan. 2-3 years of unmitigated traffic impact is unacceptable. Impact on the local economy. EDF claims to benefit the regional’ economy are not supported by evidence. East Suffolk has low unemployment. Skilled/high earning jobs will be filled by re-contracting from Hinckley to reduce costs; locals will be poached’ from the local economy to fill un-skilled jobs. EDF’s own survey recognizes that 29% of tourists will be deterred; tourism is likely to lose £40m a year and 400 jobs. Independent analysis should be undertaken to test and enumerate EDF’s claims on employment and to have provided bursaries, training and then employing Suffolk people for Hinkley. What are the details of the promised Jobs Service; Skills fund; Young Sizewell C; Community Fund; Public Services contingency Fund and Housing Funds? Money, numbers and examples from Hinckley. Health and Social Impact. Leiston and surrounding villages were badly affected by the Sizewell B construction force. What are the details of the Sizewell C Worker Code of Conduct’ and enforcement regime. Evidence from Hinckley, including statistics? What additional contribution is EDF making to the cost of scaling up of local policing? EDF claims that Sizewell C will save `9 Million Tonnes of CO2 every year of operation’ is suspect. EDF documents show it will take 6 years to off-set 5.74m tonnes of CO 2 from construction (not 6-8 months) once generation starts Since the build is likely to take at least 9-12 years from 2022 (without factoring in the delays seen on their other projects) so will not contribute to net zero until 2040 I endorse the relevant representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB, Middleton, Yoxford, Theberton and Darsham Parish Councils. I consider that consideration of the Sizewell C Application by a digital examination process is totally unacceptable.