Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Fiona Cramb

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a local resident.I strongly object to EDF’s plans to build two nuclear power stations at Sizewell. The construction will have a devastating impact on East Suffolk and our fragile coast and is completely unnecessary. The cost will be huge as proved by the escalating cost of Hinckley Point, the technology is unproven and outdated, the electricity produced will be much more expensive than renewables and the decommissioning and storage of waste will take many years, the project will take a decade or more to be built there are other greener sources of energy which are cheaper and can come on stream faster. The case for Nuclear power is weak the money better invested elsewhere. Finally I am deeply concerned about the involvement of the Chinese in such sensitive national infrastructure. If the government deems Huawei to be unfit to be involved with mobile phone networks how can it think they should be involved in nuclear.