Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Louise Mangeot

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident who also runs a business, I have engaged in previous consultation stages and studied the DCO for Sizewell C, and am of the strong opinion that approval would mean harm which would be long lasting and could not be mitigated adequately. I also believe that the DCO for Sizewell C is too complex to be heard virtually, and that the impacts of Covid-19 has disadvantaged individuals such as myself being able to participate. My specific concerns include: Huge worry regarding traffic and how I will be able to travel across the area or how people attending my services will do so, with an increase of HGV, LGV, subcontractor and worker vehicles during construction. And the failure of EDF to agree to a 4 village by-pass and a new road from the A12 to the site. Unsuitability of A1094 and B1122 for heavy traffic. There is bound to be fly parking and rat runs. Increased road traffic congestion due to the failed rail strategy, and not being able to have delivery by sea due to impact on marine life and coastal processes. Impact on the coast at Thorpeness from hard defences proposed at Sizewell C and the impact on marine life, local fishing industry, coastal processes, and flood risk. Severe and real impact on physical/mental health and well-being of communities while still trying to cope with Covid-19. Impact on provision of health care and policing, with the risk of more anti-social behaviour and crime or fear of crime. Cumulative impact of other several energy projects proposed in the same geographic area and same time frame (EA1N, EA2 and European Interconnectors etc). Visual impact of 4 new over ground pylons. Site selection for EPR design twin reactors when there is not sufficient space and the need for Coronation wood to be felled to make room for this proposal when this was quoted in a previous development application for Sizewell B Dry Fuel Store as necessary screening. Impact on the fragile and beautiful environment, internationally recognised SSSI, AONB, and the tranquillity, dark skies, quiet lanes, wildlife, all of which contribute to my health and well-being. Long term changes to the landscape and visual impact of the main power station and of other temporary/permanent infrastructure. Location of worker campus, and caravan site. Threat to the socio-economic balance of this area which depends on tourism. And the fact that tourists have a different spending profile to workers. Risk to the housing markets, with blight (as someone who is selling a house I am acutely aware of this impact – actual and perceived.) Noise, dust, vibration and light pollution during 12+ years of 24/7 construction. In conclusion: The size and duration of this project over 12years+ construction, 60 years generation and 120+ years of storing spent fuel and waste means that the negative impact outweighs any local benefits, and this DCO should not be approved.