Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Alison Downes

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues. I believe the location on the fragile Suffolk coast is inappropriate. EDF’s advisers, Cefas, told the East Anglian Daily Times that it is generally only possible to predict detailed changes to the coastline over the next 10 years, saying “We can try and predict as much as we like, but almost every prediction in the very long-term has no certainty around it.” [Redacted]The lack of a complete design for a hard coastal defence is totally unacceptable and I am astonished PINS accepted it for examination with this critical information missing.. There is insufficient evidence in the DCO to fully assess the potential impacts on Minsmere Reserve. EDF has admitted to likely impacts on Marsh Harriers. EDF has made no attempt to adequately represent the visual impact of the build, unlike Horizon did at Wylfa. Visual impacts will be considerable, affecting the AONB and the amenity of local people. EDF writes that changes to views, noise, air quality or traffic could affect users’ of local footpaths “perception of tranquillity”. This language is patronising to local people. The Transport Strategy is unacceptable. HGV numbers are as high as under the “Road Led” strategy EDF consulted us on at Stage 4, and which was widely condemned. EDF representatives now acknowledge concern about transport and say they “want to get it right”, but they were consistently told by Councils and communities over the last 8 years what the transport problems were and have failed in that time to come up with a sustainable proposal. My community will bear the brunt of the impacts. I do not believe EDF has done enough to minimise the impacts, and is instead attempting poorly to mitigate them, and likely relying on compensation. This is not an acceptable approach. I oppose the location of a campus for 2,400 construction workers close to Eastbridge. Hundreds of HGVs will come through the village during the “early years” EDF’s choice of Link Road is opposed by local people - 85% of HGVs would come from the south, so would have to drive further, using more fuel, emitting more pollution than if the Link Road left the A12 before Saxmundham. The road will sever communities and block our access to Saxmundham. The route is so useless that the County Council considers it should be torn up. Neighbours will have noise increases of 600 times ambient level EDF’s case for economic benefits is unproven. They have made no effort to quantify the impact on tourism. Some small business owners I know are considering trying to sell up and move away, fearing significant disruption and losing staff to the project. I wish the Examining Authority to look in detail at EDF’s climate change documentation, which reveal that the 5.7Mt of CO2 emitted during construction will take around 6 years to offset, meaning Sizewell C will not contribute to the UK’s net zero target until 2030. Finally, the funding of the project needs detailed scrutiny. There is no certainty the project can be financed. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and Theberton & Eastbridge Parish Council. I also wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.