Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by David Henry Francis Robb

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern about the Sizewell C proposal. 1. Site Selection • This is not the place to build a twin nuclear reactor! • Highly active coast, ignoring potential impact on coastal processes • Site which has to last >100 years to safeguard the legacy long after ceasing operations • Inability to access suitable logistics solutions by sea or rail – near total reliance on existing road infrastructure • Impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage at this scale in this internationally important habitat 2. Community, Economic and social impacts • Long term negative impact on local communities is vastly under-estimated: • Villages will be cut-off by >1000 HGVs per day – at EDF’s current estimate. Is this number their final and actual number required for the build? • Hinkley Point build shows that EDF conceal the required working number of HGVs until after the DCO • HGV traffic 6 days a week for 12hrs a day for unspecified years on completely unsuitable roads • Severe traffic hazards and congestion for schools, local businesses and passing traffic. • Disingenuous assessment of impact on the villages of Eastbridge and Theberton, closest to the build, but assessed together with Saxmundham (distant from build and main logistics routes). Plays down the major impact the project will have on these village communities during construction and eventual operation. • 6,000 workers will come and live in the area, 2,400 in a Worker campus in a location that I have consistently opposed through 4 consultations • Failure to publish assessment of impact on local communities’ health and well-being or clear mitigation solutions to any impacts. 3. Transport • Road based transport plan not supported by local communities – higher number of HGVs than original “road only” solution • Relief roads run against local community proposals, will devastate communities and farms and leave no legacy value • Delay in construction of road infrastructure means 2-3 years of increased traffic on existing local roads 4. Environment and Landscape • CO2 offset from construction will take >6 years after commissioning – too late to support Britain’s decarbonisation approach. Negates key argument to build this nuclear station • Where will 3 billion litres of water for construction will come from, in middle of an already water stressed region? • Abstraction of water locally compounds risks to the environment and to protected species. • Unclear effect on Minsmere Sluice and associated drains • Development will result in pollution from light, noise and traffic which will affect local communities and environment – no clear mitigation provided • Dust management for spoil heaps and stockpiles inadequate to protect adjacent communities’ health and well being 6. Technology Proposed • EDF have no power stations running in Europe using this technology, suffering multiple failures of technology and planning, huge debts and overruns. • No indication Sizewell C is better planned and resourced. • Project has huge negative impacts with no indication it can meet goals. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.