Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Marilyn Checkley

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a family we have been coming to this area since 1970: our family and friends love the peace and varied wildlife habitats, and our grandchildren have benefited enormously from the excellent RSPB children’s projects. This is an area made famous by Springwatch (c 3 m viewers) Their team signatures adorn the ceiling of the local pub. All this attracts many visitors, nationally and internationally. EDF’s plans jeopardise this part of the local economy - their own calculations assume a drop of 29% in tourism. How does EDF plan to mitigate effects of noise on harbour porpoises and other marine wildlife mitigate loss of wetlands: there are no studies on the cumulative effect on water levels of the marshes caused by extraction of water for making concrete for the proposed buildings; keeping a trench 30 m deep around an area the size of a football pitch dry, and dividing marsh and AONB in 2 by construction of causeway. These will jeopardise aquatic species on which waders and migrating birds feed. Mitigation for Marsh Harriers is inadequate. RSPB’s view is that the development will be “catastrophic for wildlife”. And when Government plans to set aside 30% of land for Nature! The land might be there, but wildlife habitats will be degraded. B. Tourism, a major part of the local economy, will be affected not only by the significant degradation of habitats: the increase in traffic that is envisaged will put off visitors: 750 HGV’s will use the B1122 and also the A12, as well as 10,000 cars, 700 vans and 700 buses. 2/3 of these will cross the Orwell Bridge, causing congestion and delays - including to blue-light services. Noise levels in Eastbridge, where we, friends and family stay, will increase 600x; dust will be blown from spoil heaps, and light pollution will blot out the wonderful night sky. Beaches and footpaths will be closed and a small town constructed near Eastbridge, housing imported workers. There will be a catastrophic change in the areas’s character: Leiston has never recovered from the construction of Sizewell B, which left a legacy of drug problems and crime - common amongst construction workers. C. But there is an even graver threat to safety. EDF have submitted no engineering drawings or measurements of planned sea defences, and ignored the Secretary of State’s directive to predict changes to the coast North of Minsmere Sluice and south of Orford. Over the 140 years of its predicted use, rising sea levels will make the site an island; nuclear waste will be buried on site - with no plans to ensure its safety! Faulty internal rivets at Flammanville betray EDF’s disregard for safety. D. EDF has a track record of overspending and underdelivering - and are asking the tax payer to fund them! Now renewables are far cheaper and environmentally friendly. I endorse the submissions of the RSPB, Suffolk County Council and Stop Sizewell C. I do not think this proposal should be examined digitally, as it is far too complex.