Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Ann Hyde

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The development of Sizewell C is wrong for many and varied reasons, some of which are:- Environmental - *the proposed site is at risk from flooding as sea levels rise *drainage at the site *the required supply of 3 million litres of portable water for over a decade *noise light and air polloution *Minsmere an RSPB reserve of national importance would be irredeemably damaged Economic- *the local economy could potentially lose £40 million every year *hundreds of jobs in the tourist industry may go as visitors would be deterred from visiting the area *EDF anticipates that many of the lower paid jobs would be filled by local people *money and income would be syphoned from the local area by more skilled workers commuting to and from the site from across East Anglia and Essex *EDF has failed in its's legal duty to assess these impacts on the local economy Transport- *the road based transport plan would adversly impact local communities, businesses and visitors *lorries, vans and cars will increase vastly in number on the A12 and A14, adding to already difficult traffic manaagement, particularly on the Orwell Bridge *village bypass proposals are unpopular and deemed inapproporiate Environment and Landscape *the Hard Coastal Defence Feature has no complete design available to view *the impact on coastal processes and marine ecology of Sizewell C would be negative *the inability to predict rates of coastal erosion and recession *views from the coastal areas will be altered by the erection of huge onsite pylons *EDF has provided no visualisations of the construction site Community *6000 workers will need to be accomadated with a knock on effect for local housing and communities *construction on a separate site of a 2,400 worker campus, which may or may not be used *the construction site, campus, new roads, park and rides, rail link, beach landing facility,, will all have a massive negative impact on the whole local community *noise, light and air polloution across the whole area *local peoples access to health, emergency and mental health services will be imapcted by the extra numbers arriving *footpaths and beaches will be closed I wish to endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C and RSPB. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.