Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Fiona Judge

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the Sizewell C project for the following reasons: 1. Site location • This project is situated in the wrong place and would have the following negative impacts on the area • The site is situated on an eroding coastline and currently EDF have not put forward any plans for how the site will be protected from rising sea levels due to climate change. • Concerns have been raised about the impact of any coastal defences on erosion rates of the coastline north and south of the site • This project threatens a very biodiverse area including SSSIs, ANOB and RSPB Minsmere with its special designation. Both the RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust, I am a member of both, oppose the project. We need to work hard to protect our wildlife which is under threat not make it more vulnerable or destroy it. • This area has a large public amenity value for local residents, residents from wider area and tourists. This amenity value will be denigrated by the project with proposed closure of beaches and footpaths. EDF has stated that there will be changes to views, noise and air quality and traffic will change people’s perception of tranquillity. This is very worrying to me as this tranquillity has sustained me as I go to these places seeking this. • The project will need 3 million litres of water a day during the peak time of the build. Suffolk as part of East Anglia is one of the driest regions of the UK. This use of water is a concern to other water users e.g. farmers, and wildlife. • There are concerns about local peoples’ access to health services, blue light services and on the mental health of local people. Transport I live close to the A12. I am very concerned about the effects the increase in road traffic will have. ? I believe the road-based transport plan is not sustainable. The A12 is currently pressurised and the increase on the roads with estimates of 700 + HGVs and 700+ buses and vans, especially during peak times and concerning. Also, the negative impact of congestion, noise, pollution/air quality for road users and residents along this route cannot be underestimated. Delay in the construction of new road infrastructure means villages would endure 2-3 years of increased traffic ? I am concerned that the congestion and heavy traffic on the A12 and A14 would cause rat running, with disruption along smaller roads and communities including the village where I live. ? The Southern Park & Ride would not be completed until year 3. During these ‘Early Years’, there would be significant extra LGV and private car movements on the B1078, the High Street in Wickham Market. I live on the High Street and currently there are concerns about the increase in traffic on this and local roads. These concerns include: • estimated 1050 cars travelling through the village additionally each day over the construction period, - these figures could be higher due to the shift patterns for a seven-day week / 20-hour working day at the main site. This would cause a significant increase in noise, vibration, air and light pollution which will affect properties and residents. • compromised safety of cyclists, equestrians and pedestrians using promoted leisure routes and accessing the SP&R • increase in collisions along this stretch of B1078 to the SP&R. Currently there are frequent near missed collisions with cars, vans and lorries using the narrow roadway navigating parked cars on one side of the road and a bend in the road making visibility for oncoming traffic impossible • negative impact on the village of Wickham Market from fly parking as workers use local shops prior to or after their shifts. This creates problems for current road and service users. There are narrow footpaths in the village especially on some roads leading up to the village centre where shops are located. Primary school children use these to get to and from the primary school which has an impact on their safety as vulnerable road users. Environment and Landscape • Light and noise from the Park and Ride site operating 20 hrs per day 7 days per week. • the proposed site and highway lighting will create adverse impacts on current dark skies viewed from the village and its countryside setting I fully endorse Stop Sizewell C campaign and Wickham Market Parish Council’s relevant representations