Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Alice Robeson

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  • Risks of sea level rise and erosion likely to flood and have problems - Negative impacts on important ecological sites, cultural heritage and the landscape - The site could become and island with 5 nuclear reactors - There are 8 other energy projects planned in the area - Negative impacts on the local community with higher traffic, noise, light pollution. - Worker campus in an area I don't agree to - Local tourism could lose out on £40 million a year and 400 jobs. - EDF survey predicts 29% of visitors may choose not to come - Too much pressure on local housing - EDF expects local people to fill 90% of the lower skilled and lower paid roles. yet where are these local people? - Local businesses losing out on staff and too much traffic - Too much pressure on local emergency services which negatively impacts the vulnerable - The transport plan for the roads is not sustainable. huge negative impact on local economy and communities. HGV numbers are as high as those under " road led" proposals rejected by all statutory consultees in consultations - Delays in new roads being built would mean 2-3 years of increased traffic for villages - The new roads will cut up communites, farmland and footpaths - Flooding issues not considered - Unclear effects on minsmere sluice - Impact on proposed borrow pits and landfill not fully addressed - Irreparable harm to minsmere an area of international importance - Impact on marsh harriers - Threatens the integrity of special protection area - Uncertainty of drainage and supply of water for the construction - Risk to groundwater levels - Flooding risk due to loss of flood storage from the development site - Construction cuts up the AONB - Can't compensate for the ecological and landscape damage - C02 won't be offset for at least 6 years from the construction - Ecological and food risk impacts on coastal processes from hard coastal defence feature HCDF . no complete design of HCDF available - Impacts on marine life - Nuclear power plants shouldn't be being built, they are dangerous. History has shown us this time and again. Do we really need this? why aren't we investing in greener healthier energy solutions instead? We all know this is the future. This project is damaging, dangerous and backward. I wish to endorse the relevant representation submitted by stop sizewell c I wish to state that I consider the sizewell c appliction to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.