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Representation by Farnham Environment Residents & Neighbours (FERN)

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. FERN (Farnham Environment Residents & Neighbours) is an unincorporated association of people who live at or in the vicinity of the Grade II* listed building, Farnham Manor; as well as the Manor itself, these comprise a number of other private dwellings. EDF’s proposed alignment for a bypass of the villages of Farnham and Stratford St Mary (the Two Villages Bypass- “2VB”) impacts adversely on those dwellings, as well as on the tourism business at Mollett’’s Farm and other properties. Objections have been submitted by individuals who may elect to pursue those objections individually or, in part at least, through FERN. 2. The principal focus of objection is to the alignment of the 2VB to the west of Foxburrow Wood. There is no objection to the principle of bypassing the villages but EDF has chosen the wrong route. A much better alignment exists further to the east, as put forward by the Parish Council. FERN supports that alignment. 3. EDF has undertaken consultation but has failed to address the alternative properly. Its reasons for opposing an eastern alignment are unsound. 4. FERN supports the wish of communities at Little Glemham and Marlesford to also have the A12 bypassed. EDF has to justify why it is not doing so but, given Suffolk County Council’s retention of the principle for the future, the least that EDF can do is ensure that it does not compromise or prejudice future relief for those communities. The more easterly alignment better suits extension to the south at a later date, if the Examining Authority concludes that the DCO should proceed without those communities being relieved. 5. EDF’s environmental assessment is flawed and in error in places, and not least by not examining the entire area which would be impacted by its proposed alignment. EDF has failed to satisfactorily demonstrate that its cutting will not pose a threat to the ancient woodland at Foxburrow Wood and Pond Wood. As well as not considering the adverse impact on the natural environment properly, EDF has failed to take proper account of the adverse impact of its proposed alignment on the built environment, in particular for the historic environs of the listed building, Farnham Manor. EDF is unnecessarily interfering with the local footpath network, close to Farnham. 6. EDF has failed to assess the planning balance properly. The public good is better served by the more easterly alignment. 7. FERN therefore objects to the Sizewell C DCO but reserves the right to amend, add to and expand on the objection during the DCO process