Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jenny Nutbeem

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: The construction of the link road will impact hugely on the area In which I live. Environmental concerns: Natural habitat and wildlife at RSPB Minsmere and local SSSI will be affected and areas of national ecological importance destroyed. Tourism -in an area celebrated for its peace and tranquility- will be much reduced due to extra traffic, disruption, noise and dust pollution. Predicted loss of revenue in the local tourist industry is estimated at £40m a year. Sizewell C will require more fresh water than this water-scarce area can afford. Increased traffic will cause disruption on the A12 and other roads and result in too much traffic on minor roads. Coronation wood will be felled. Climate change forecasts predict that rising sea levels will cause Sizewell C to become an island storing lethal spent fuel. Also a risk of flooding. I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C: Site not adequate for the infrastructure proposed. Sea level rise and flooding. Other uncoordinated energy projects planned for the area. Designated ecological sites - SSSIs and AONB - affected or destroyed. RSPB Minsmere - internationally important flagship destination -irreparably harmed. Impossible compensation for landscape and ecological damage. Impacts on marine ecology. Coronation Wood will be felled. Environment Agency climate change forecasts predict that Sizewell will become an island storing lethal nuclear fuel. Massive impact on tourism- visitors will be deterred. Local businesses affected. Increased heavy traffic- up tp 1140 HGVs per day - will cause gridlock on the A12. Quiet back roads will be used as rat runs. New road construction will increase traffic and cause noise, light and dust pollution. The construction of the proposed link road will completely change the character of North Green, where I live, dividing farmland, damaging footpaths and severing communities. 6,000 workers will impact housing and local infrastructure and quality of life for residents. Pressure on health, social and emergency services. CO2 will not be offset from construction for at least 6 years. Spoil heaps unmanaged. Documentation has been of poor quality, with maps too small and difficult to read descriptions. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.