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Representation by Bramfield and Thorington Parish Council (Bramfield and Thorington Parish Council)

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

24th September 2020 Dear Sir/Madam, Bramfield and Thorington Parish Council present our response to the proposals regarding Sizewell C which we do not support for the following reasons, most of which have been covered by other local councils: * As a parish we would be directly affected by the impact on transport via A144. An increase in population in the parishes and Halesworth would increase the dangers already evidenced in local records. * Halesworth and its surrounding villages are already impacted by overloaded medical and educational concerns an increase in population would cause more problems. * The local schools both primary and secondary have insufficient capacity for increased populations without considerable support. * Water, sewerage and electrical supplies are both basic and inadequate already in Halesworth and surrounding villages and would struggle to cope with increased population. * The proposals for Sizewell C within our Heritage Coast are too great and irreparably damaging for an Area of Outstanding Beauty. No amount of mitigation would ever restore this important corridor which currently runs from Lowestoft to Ipswich. The economic damage to the tourist industry for which this area relies could never be replaced. * The impact of the building process itself will have an enormous and disrupting effect on residents covering a very wide area. Official figures admit that it will take at least 20 years to recoup the carbon release caused by the construction site. It is universally acknowledged that greenhouse gasses need to be lowered now, not in 20 years’ time. The potential for this figure to be exceeded is entirely feasible. * The seismic impact of the build should also be taken into account. When Sizewell B was constructed the noise could be heard and felt as far away as Wenhaston. The depth of the proposed construction will surely result in greater impact in the local area. * The previous experience of residents, particularly from Leiston and the surrounding villages when Sizewell B was built that it had a tremendous socio-economic impact which has lasted for decades. House prices in Leiston have never truly recovered and the fear is that once again a similar impact will occur. Trouble caused in the local area in the evening and at weekends during the build in terms of alcohol, drugs and sexually related incidents would not be tolerated. * The long-term future of Sizewell C should also be considered. The rising of sea levels internationally and the already fragile nature of the East coast could result in the power station becoming an island. The obvious dangers from the North Sea in the future could impact severely on the facility despite numerous safety systems being put in place. The experiences in Japan should surely be at the forefront of any considerations, remembering that human error is often at the bottom of any nuclear problems seen worldwide.