Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mark Hill

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a forward thinking nation we must focus on a carbon neutral future, generating our energy from safe, clean & plentiful sources, whilst respecting and protecting the natural world that we call home. The beautiful Suffolk countryside would come under more destruction for an expensive, delayed vanity project. Just because there are already two plants there doesn't mean we need a third. Nuclear power in my view does not have a place in that future for several reasons. Renewables - Wind, Solar, hydro and the evolving grid scale battery storage market are far far cheaper than nuclear, looks at the price per Mwh for the Hinckley C that was agreed years ago, £92.50, wind power cost is now less that half. If Hinckley point ever gets up and running the UK consumer will be ripped off for years to come by this blight on the landscape. Turbines and solar systems can be constructed/installed much much faster that a nuclear plant can be built. Nuclear plants regularly go way over budget and construction times increased by years. This is just not an industry that we should be supporting. We should push forward with renewables and do it now.