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Representation by Yoxford Parish Council (Yoxford Parish Council)

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

Yoxford Parish Council wish to raise the following concerns: Transport 1. The proposed development is too dependent on roads for transport. There will be significant adverse impact to local communities and businesses from noise and increased journey times. The increased road traffic and congestion will deter visitors and significantly impact tourism and associated local jobs. It is not reasonable for tourism to bear this cost. The problem could be mitigated by a marine led transport strategy and/or increased use of rail. 2. A marine led strategy was dismissed too readily and should be reconsidered. 3. Insufficient use is being made of rail as an alternative form of transport. 4. We have repeatedly asked for transparency on traffic modelling assumptions and remain concerned that they underestimate the traffic volumes during construction. The estimated versus actual traffic at Hinckley Point illustrate the issue. We are concerned about traffic all year round but are especially concerned about the traffic during the peak holiday season which we do not believe has been modelled fully. 5. There is an environmental impact to road building so the proposed A12 link road must use a route that has legacy value. The proposed route does not and there is a significant risk it will need to be removed after construction compounding the environmental damage. A better route should be used. 6. The relief road and other road improvements need to be brought forward in the plan. It is not acceptable to have 2 to 3 years of very significant unmitigated traffic impact whilst this work is completed. 7. There is no mitigation of the community severance caused by increased traffic on the A12 and A1120 in Yoxford. Environment 1. There is insufficient mitigation of the risks from climate change, rising sea levels and flooding. 2. The noise, dust and light pollution during construction will significantly impact RSPB Minsmere’s role as a key tourist destination. 3. The proximity and scale of the finished construction will devastate the character of the local area and be a blight on the AONB and the Minsmere Nature Reserve, its wildlife, environment and associated tourism forever. 4. The visual impact of 65m high transmission towers for power export connection is not acceptable. Power export connection can be achieved with cables in surface troughs and/or gas insulated lines. 5. The approach of separately assessing the environmental impacts of parts of the development means consequential impacts have not been assessed. For example, increased air pollution due to increased traffic volumes on stretches of roads where no mitigation is taking place. 6. The noise and light pollution from the northern park and ride will adversely impact some Yoxford residents with no mitigation. Economic, Social and Accommodation 1. EDF have recently described how re-contracting Hinckley Point C workers will reduce costs for Sizewell C construction. This will mean fewer jobs for local people and a reduced economic benefit for the local area. It will also lead to more incoming people requiring accommodation locally. 2. The proposed campus will not provide enough accommodation. 3. The accommodation need will distort the private rental sector of the local housing market making it harder for local people to secure housing. That will have a knock-on increase on demand for social housing from local people. 4. The housing need will encourage the repurposing of current tourist accommodation for Sizewell C workers reducing the number of tourist beds in the area. Fewer tourists will negatively impact tourist focussed businesses not involved in accommodation. General 1. There is insufficient consequence to the applicant of failing to achieve their proposed mitigations in a complete and timely way or even at all. Similarly, there is no consequence to the applicant if dubious forecasts and estimates turn out to be incorrect. 2. The combined impacts of this application and several other local energy projects need to be considered.