Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Helen Rolfe

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a local resident and have strong views about Sizewell C and its impact on my home area. The proposal to consturct this power station was poorly concieved initially, and is now even more unsuitable, and should be halted for the following reasons: Geographical: in view of the situation, which is on a rapily erroding coastline, where sea levels are known to be rising . Tidal surges I have seen increasingin number and force and frequency. Local impact: This is an area of outstanding natural beauty. This title is only understood by people who have witnessed the silence and beauty of the marshes at dawn or dusk, walked observing the common and rare species of all kinds of wildlife and welcomes the cycles of the natural world here. The huge importance of maintaining this balance is now understood to be essential for the wellbeing of our fragile planet. To rip up the existing landscape with this vast construction project is a horrifyingly misguided. The huge increase in heavy lorry and transport traffic disturbance to towns, villages, the road systems throughout East Anglia, and the ruination of local farmland and woodlands are not justified. The noise of construction will shatter the peace of the area, and cause light pollution as well. Cost: The cost has escalated so enormously since the original costings that it is no longer viable. The cancellation of the North Wales power station project is an indicator of how badly wrong this coulkd go if backers withdraw. Resources:The gain for the local area in terms of jobs will be short lived and minimal as much of the specialist work will be outsourced. There will be degredation of roads and infrastructure which are likley to place further strain on our local economy. The landscape is a valuable resource, used by thousands for recreation and recovery from stress during the covid pandemic. The tourist industry generates increasing sums and can be relied on to continue to do so. Wildlife: In addition to the points above, special mention consideration must be given to Minsmere RSPB Wildlife reserve. Visitors flock here from across the world and the UK to watch birds in habitats which are vulnerable to disturbance and should be treasured. Would the SpringWatch team, with an audiance of millions, want to continue filming here with a construction site and three story residential block clearly visible? Their usual filming spot overlooks the whole area under consideration. Please read the statement above as a request to halt the contruction now, rethink longer term energy needs which as new technologies come on stream, and after the pandemic, may well have changed Helen Rolfe