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Representation by Ian Fergusson

Date submitted
29 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The impact on the adjacent land at Minsmere along with other land that has been designated SSSI or of ecological importance has not been adequately addressed. This could cause rare species such as Marsh Harriers to be affected. The land being offered to “offset” areas to be used during construction and ongoing is not of the same nature of the land being lost and may never sustain the same eco system. Potential change to ground water in the area could affect the nearby water meadow habitat. I’m not convinced for the need for Sizewell C as it is unlikely to be on line for another 15 years in which time advances in alternative natural electricity generation and storage will probably make it unnecessary. The area already has other energy projects planned. Impact on local communities with increased traffic and noise, along with a huge influx of workers will have a knock on effect to local services (Health and social). With the increased likelihood of traffic congestion on the A12 the roads through small local villages are likely to become rat runs. Light pollution affecting areas designated “Dark Skies” is likely, especially around the Park and Ride areas. The disruption and increased traffic is likely to have an adverse effect on Tourism which is a life blood of the area. Who wants to be on holiday near a large construction site with hundreds of HGV’s on the road? I endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, the RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust. I also consider the application to be unsuitable for a digital examination process. It should be postponed until the Covid 19 situation has been resolved and groups of people can once again meet and discuss things.