Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Stephen Downes

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The primary issues that I wish the Examining Authority to scrutinise are: - Environmental damage during construction, including noise, dust, light pollution and traffic - Impact on protected species and on internationally-designated habitats, especially Minsmere and Sizewell Marshes. - Impact on the AONB. Were it not for covid, the Landscapes Review would likely have been implemented, and the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB would have statutory consultee status and more resources to tackle planning issues. - Loss of amenity, affecting local footpaths and enjoyment of the beaches and surrounding area - The impacts of imposing a campus on my community that will house a population of workers 10 times the size of the Parish - The cost of the project, £20 billion, which would be better spent on renewable energy sources, and which would create skilled jobs across the UK that are transferable on a global scale. - EDF’s acknowledgement that Sizewell C will not contribute to net zero until 2040. I share the view of Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey that there is no economic case for Sizewell C. It is too expensive and pound for pound we would be better off investing in renewable energy