Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Hayley Chilver

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the construction and running of Sizewell C, for the following reasons; • Irreparable damage to the local environment, which include habitat for a diverse range of wildlife, vegetation and landscape, due to all the construction needs. • Carving up local landscape and villages for transport. Increased traffic in an unsuitable rural area. • Damage to the local economy which thrives on holiday makers.It is not right to use the fact that it will provide more jobs, if this decimates the holiday trade , so many businesses would suffer, some that have been running for decades and others that are newer. If thus happens it means these businesses are worthless, not just in monetary value but compared to Sizewell C, the little people that don't matter. . Concern if there was an accident and the terrble impact this could have, also that how the waste is stored or transported this is another risk. . Impact of long term building work , plus other types of energy could be much more effient by the ti.e the reactor is built.