Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Graeme West

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell C I live near Bury St Edmunds and visit the coast frequently to visit family and friends, sites of interest and for leisure. Those people and we have expressed grave concerns about the proposed plans for the development of Sizewell C. I therefore wish to raise the following concerns. Site • The building of Sizewell C will impact on the area which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty • It will effect the tourist trade upon which many local people depend • There are huge implications for safety once the facility is built and a concern about the storage and disposal of waste Community • The impact on the local community will be huge; noise, influx of workers, available accommodation • There will be increased demand on health and welfare services which are already stretched. (Do EDF plan to support an increase in these services?) Transport • There are going to be huge problems with increased traffic on the roads • the A12 is at present often gridlocked or the traffic slow moving and despite the planned redesign of roads and building of a relief road with the influx of lorry and employees traffic there is likely to be a huge impact on the infrastructure and the local community. Environment and Landscape • There is going to be a huge risk to natural flora and fauna which abound in this region • There is a worry about the particular impact on Minsmere • Water requirements on the construction and operation of the facility will be detrimental to the wildlife and general landscape. (Farmers require water too). Time Scale and Costs • The project is planned to take 10 years for construction, an unacceptable period of disruption • Similar projects have overrun the planned time scale for construction and the projected costs • There are also security concerns about the involvement of China General Nuclear in this project Application • Wording of Explanatory Memorandum and Planning Statement I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, the RSPB and SWT I wish to state I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.