Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Tim Rowan-Robinson

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have 2 prime reasons for wishing to be registered as an interested party. 1. The effect on the tourism economy of the Sizewell C development will be very significant. The coastal area, particularly that between Southwold and Orford, is economically dependent on tourism. Please note the research done by The Suffolk Coast DMO on the effect on jobs and income. This research shows the effect on the whole of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths area. The effect on the area within 5 miles of Sizewell will be much greater.. I do not believe that the loss of jobs that will result has been fully considered and mitigation tactics, which may have effect in the short term, have not been determined. The danger to tourism comes from congestion on the roads, destruction of the environment and the image of the area becoming industrial rather than the quiet, scenic and culturally significant image that has been carefully built up over the last 20 years. It is simply an inappropriate development for a small area which, as the most important tourism attraction in the County, has been hugely important in building the tourism economy of the County. 2. The process followed by EDF has been inadequate. No consideration seems to have been made to the effect of the wind farm developments being built at the same time as Sizewell C or the impact of all these developments on a very small area. Covid 19 makes it difficult for individuals to fully understand the proposals. This should have led to a delay in the process. EDF have not provided sufficient response to questions asked about alternate transport routes, environmental impact or job creation. Sea and rail have not been given sufficient consideration as alternate means of delivering to site. The A12 needs a 4 village by-pass and the D2/W alternative to the link road proposed has not been fully considered. 2 sites of SSSI and Minsmere reserve will be horribly effected. Sea defences along the coast are very fragile and the effect of this development puts the coastline north and south of Sizewell at increased risk.