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Representation by Simon Sheppard

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear planning inspectorate, I don't want you to build another power station here. How about closing down the other 2 you have here too? We need nature. I like electricity. But I believe I, we need nature more. What will happen when all the trees and fields and grass and butterflies and bees are all gone? Humans will go too I believe. And this land we live in will be a sadness. How do you feel when you walk out into a beautiful place in the countryside? Did it make you feel happy and blissful inside? Make one step, one drop of change in a beautiful direction- stop this building plan now. Can we create electricity some other way? Solar panels on all houses? Use less? I don't know the answer to this question. But maybe you do? Of course I may be wrong about all this. This is the first time I've ever written a letter like this. These are my feelings in this moment. Make one step, one drop of change in a beautiful direction and I will make another- until the drop is a sea, a tide in that direction. And unstoppable.