Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Mary T Sidwell

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

the suggestion to build a double reactor next to ageing Sizewell A and B to me seems madness....on an already fragile coast and area designated as of ecological importance, I can see its installation as a disaster. with adverse community impact, severe traffic, light and noise pollution, direct environment and landscape disruption, probable flooding, impacts on marine and coastal ecology, why persue this, when it will impact so greatly on an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, which is so valuable in today’s world. why not install Solar panels for hot water and power on all new build properties and educate the public in their knowledge of this,.if this had begun in the time it is taking to put the Sizewell C plan to tender, we would probably not be talking about this now