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Representation by Laurence Moss

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

from Laurence Moss[Redacted] Submission regarding Planning Inspectorate Reference: EN010012 Sizewell C I wish to register to submit a statement regarding the above case. The focus of my submission will be about Air Pollution – Particulate matter PM 2.5, PM 10, Nox, CO, VOC’s – which will result from the construction of the aforementioned development 1. I will outline the significance of these emissions and their detrimental effects on the health of construction workers and residents in the vicinity of Leiston / Sizewell. There would also be detrimental effects on the flora and fauna surrounding Sizewell. Should CV19 still be an issue in the spring, I shall cite evidence linking such emissions with the transfer/spread of the virus. I shall specify vulnerable groups who will suffer from these emissions. 2. I will describe the origins of these micro-particles, from vehicle and plant exhausts, and tyre wear, resulting from Lorries and Delivery vehicles and building workers cars. 3. I will describe the geographical extent of these particles, and the timescale that they will be present in our area, along Trunk roads and A roads through our villages. 4. I will argue that EDF have failed to take the emissions seriously – if at all – in their ‘modelling’ exercises, and have only considered such emissions once the plant is being tested or operated – ie after construction. 5. I will argue that the suggested mitigation of small particles is inadequate as they only consider larger particles that can be dealt with by washing/dust suppression. This is even seen in previous EDF practice; the Hinkley project only describes mitigation for particles larger than PM10. 6. I will outline existing legislation that sets standards for the maximum recommended, and therefore legal, exposure to the emissions of these micro-particles – from WHO, EU and UK. 7. I will refer to research on the increasing knowledge of the dangerous health effects of this pollution 8. There is little mitigation for such small particles, but I will outline some strategies which I believe EDF should make. I will point to the woeful lack of air quality monitoring points in the vicinity of the construction, and routes for vehicles to and from the site. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trust in that SZC is an inappropriate development for Suffolk, 1. Site Selection  - inappropriate site for access and building on this scale 2. Community, Economic and social impacts – benefits to community outweighed by harmful development 3. Transport – poor links to main routes for traffic 4. Environment and Landscape – harmful to this heritage coastline, and RSPB 5. Marine and Coastal processes – posing a threat to the construction and rest of Suffolk’s coast