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Representation by Ella Parker

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not live in Suffolk at the moment but it is where I grew up and I visit my family their regularly. I object to this proposal. The development is too big for the site and the surrounding infrastructure in Suffolk. I am also aware that the Suffolk coastline is subject to long term erosion, SZC (and the waste) will be unsafe and expensive for future generations to manage. Specific concerns are: • The roads are inadequate to deal with the huge increase in traffic • Access to the emergency and hospital services will be delayed by congestion. The rural location means the journey to Ipswich hospital is already quite long, any delays caused by traffic could be very dangerous. • 8,000+ additional workers mostly from outside the local area will put a strain on health, social and emergency services. • Coronavirus is not addressed in EDF’s application. he huge number of workers and their close social/transport/working conditions means that risks of an outbreak on site will be greatly elevated in this rural area (the near-miss at Banham Poultry illustrates the risks). SZC construction could cause: o increased risk of local lockdowns o heightened risk of infection (particularly serious for older residents) o pressure on emergency services and hospital facilities at Ipswich o impacts on anyone suffering from ill-health for any reason, as hospitals struggle to catch up • The demand for housing will raise prices and rents, creating difficulties for local low earners. If I want to return to live close to my parents, it may be unaffordable. • Suffolk has a beautiful landscape which makes it so attractive to tourists and this would be destroyed. I am concerned of the impact of SZC on the tourist industry • It will create unacceptable noise, light and air pollution. My dad has asthma and my mum has respiratory and cardiac problems, they live near to Sizewell. EDF has taken no account of ozone pollution despite levels exceed government objectives every year. Traffic and construction emissions will increase levels of ozone precursors and make pollution episodes worse and more frequent. • The proposed building phase over 12 or more years will remove access to the beach at Sizewell which is very popular with locals. • Disastrous impact on the AONB with an unacceptable impact on the area’s fragile habitats and wildlife (especially at Minsmere and Sizewell marshes). This is impossible to mitigate for. • The cooling plant will adversely impact marine life and feeding grounds of sea birds. • Highly vulnerable nuclear waste storage facility, given predicted sea level rise, greater likelihood of extreme weather and ongoing coastal erosion. The safety of east Suffolk will be compromised, especially for future generations. • SZC does not address the UK’s climate change needs: it takes too long to deliver and will generate too much carbon in its construction. This development is inappropriate in such an environmentally sensitive and vulnerable location. I endorse the Relevant Representations submitted by Stop Sizewell C, TASC, RSPB, and Suffolk Wildlife Trust. This application should be rejected.