Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Richard W L Smith, MVO

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As the County Councillor for Blything Division of Suffolk County Council I represent c.7,500 electors (excluding, of course, those under 18 who will increase the figure toc.8,500). My electors live in the town of Saxmundham (which is where I live) and the twelve villages of Blythburgh, Bramfield, Darsham, Dunwich, Kelsale-cum-Carlton, Middleton, Theberton, Thorington, Walberswick, Wenhaston, Westleton and Yoxford. The people who live at Eastbridge within the parish of Theberton are the closest community to the Sizewell C proposed development site. I wish to have the opportunity to speak on behalf of my constituents at the appropriate time during the Public Hearings. I echo their concerns on the whole gamut of issues, primarily the pressure on road and rail routes and the detrimental effect on the natural environment, but on many other issues too. I have been involved closely with the drawing-up and approval of the position statement adopted by Suffolk County Council, which I support totally. EDF Energy have 'gone through the motions' with their four stages of consultation and the local community has worked hard at each stage to put forward reasoned arguments against the proposals. EDF Energy have simply not listened, and have done exactly what they wanted in ignoring local opinions. The proposed access route to site is one notable case. As a result of the Enquiry into the Sizewell B proposals Sir Frank Layfield proposed that a new route to site from the A12 was needed, and of the four options the 'D2' route was the best. That road was never constructed, but it remains the best route into the Sizewell C site area. At an early stage EDFV Energy set their minds against this route and, despite strongly advocacy from Suffolk County Council, have never done anything positive to evaluate the route, for unknown and perplexing reasons. This arrogant attitude has been evident in many other areas, the proof of which will, I trust, come out in your public hearings. The reasons against the Sizewell C development are many and varied; they are well-researched and clearly stated by the County Council and others. The hearings will amplify these considerable concerns. I also believe that this development is too costly and that arranging funding for it (EDF is, as you know, a company on the edge of bankruptcy, prevented from falling into that state by the French Government. I do realise, however, that these matters are outside your scope for this Development Consent Order application. They remain relevant in the actual world outside these deliberations. I look forward to playing my full part as the local County Councillor during your process, hampered as I may be by having to fight the four-yearly County Council Election, planned for 6 May 2021.