Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Rodger Heathwaite

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I write as an interested person living adjacent to and who will be affected by this construction. My objections to this project are as follows: The construction is in a sensitive environmental area. I agree with all the representations of the RSPB and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust with whom I am members. The support services to the project such as the extensive temporary accommodation structures are in an extremely sensitive environmental area. The proposed 2 village A12 traffic bypass scheme will be overwhelmed by the increased traffic bearing in mind the large number of construction lorry movements. To be informed that only 40% will come In by rail and sea is disappointing and is obviously designed to save a proper upgrade of a pier and more expensive rail facilities in agreement with Network Rail. The loss to Suffolk Tourism will be considerable and a stretch of coast far beyond the actual site will be seriously affected.