Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Chris Fox

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Darsham I would wish to make you aware of my concerns about the proposal for another Nuclear Power Station at the Sizewell site. Adjacent to the Sizewell sites is the Minesmere Nature Reserve, the reserve is one of the largest nature reserves in the country that has a delicate eco-system that requires our protection from human encroachment. How many more natural places in the world are to be lost to industrialisation before it is too late and we find ourselves in danger. The world cannot sustain anymore projects such as the Sizewell C project, which is a short-term fix that only supplies about 7% of our electricity requirement for not more than 50 years. The cost and maintenance of Nuclear waste and damage to our environment will be felt for thousands of years. The cost and maintenance of the Power stations once they are spent will be greater than providing much of the country with improved domestic insulation and greener, long term power generation. The cost and maintenance of providing greater and greater sea defences to protect the old power stations after decommission. Just because there is a power station there already does not mean another should be placed by its side and encroach into areas of SSSI, AONB and highly sensitive countryside. What is the point of designating SSSI and AONB, if not to protect future generations from short sighted, quick fix projects such as Sizewell C. I urge you to not recommend the Sizewell C development.