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Representation by Ruth Mackenzie

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am originally from Suffolk and have been a regular visitor to the area in for many years. I share the wider concerns expressed by many opposing this application. My own concerns relate principally to the following: - The application proposes the construction of a hazardous facility at a site that is already at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding. The location seems completely inappropriate. - The proposed development will have adverse impacts on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance and sites of amenity, cultural heritage and landscape value - Impacts on Minsmere reserve. The development risks causing irreparable harm to this reserve - a haven for many local people and a destination for a large number of tourists (like me) who visit the area regularly. - Impact on tourism - as above. It is hard to imagine how this development will not have a negative effect on tourism and the local economy -Impact on local communities - increased traffic, disruption and noise. Developing the infrastructure to support this development will lead to irreparable and detrimental change to the area. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, the RSPB. and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. I also wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.