Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Dorothy Richards

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As my representations are unlikely to exceed 500 words, I am setting out what I expect them to be here. I am opposed to the building of Sizewell C Nuclear power station on the following grounds: There is no safe way to manage the radioactive waste produced. This waste presents a danger to people, animals and the natural world in general. The building of Sizewell C would represent a security risk as it would be a potential target for terrorist attacks. The east coast is eroding and unstable so the site is not suitable. EDF has no money and China has a morally corrupt political system with major human rights violations. This country should not be doing any business with China. Building Sizewell C would pass a terrible inheritance of pollution onto generations to come. Nuclear fission is old, out-dated, not wanted and has no future. This country’s energy needs should be met entirely with renewables and efforts and expenditure should be focussed on no-polluting energy generation. Dorothy M Richards (Mrs) [Redacted]