Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by George Powell

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The cost of the Sizewell C electricity is too high in relation to other alternative forms of electricity. The technology is flawed. There are other forms of nuclear power being developed by British companies that will be cheaper, safer and less burdensome on local communities. The planning process is inappropriate given the Covid situation. The process should be put on hold until Covid is behind us. Particularly as there are expected to be up to 7 other planning applications related to the onshore facilities for the offshore windfarms. We deserve a comprehensive plan before any new large scale applications are approved. Sizewll C will severely adversely affect the local environment and businesses, particularly during the build stage due to construction traffic, imported labour, dust, noise and light. This will not help the leisure/holiday businesses which are so critical to the local economy. The flood risks, coastal erosion potential and impacts on marine ecology have not been adequately addressed. In summary this application is attempting to push through a dubious project by using Covid to avoid the full glare of publicity. It is yesterday’s solution. We need a solution which meets our needs by using the new and exciting technologies. GCJ Powell