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Representation by Mr A Cousins (Mr A Cousins)

Date submitted
30 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam, Ref: Relevant Representation – Sizewell C I write to you with deep concern and worry, hoping that you are able to consider my view points with, empathy, understanding and able to influence a favourable judgement, as consequence. The current proposals for a two village bypass to accommodate the Sizewell C development, are quite simply totally unacceptable. They do nothing to address concerns of not just residents in my village, Marlesford, but also those living in Little Glemham. Why have we not been considered equally? Would the potential structural damage, noise when you are single glazed and property is so close to the A12 also will pollution affect us any less? The fact a bypass has been considered for any village, shows that it has been recognised that there will of course be negative results from increased traffic. So it feels somewhat personal that as a Marlesford resident I will not be protected from this. On a fundamental level, how would we even be expected to cross the road, with the surely increased levels of traffic? This road is already dangerous enough as it is. Literally no thought or resolution has been put forward. Our quality of life will be lessened, the local economy disrupted and our properties devalued. For many they will not even live past the period of construction, living out their final days in this enforced nightmare. A four village bypass, would by no means be a perfect solution. In an ideal world, I feel I speak on behalf of all local people, when I say I would rather the development not go ahead at all. However a four village bypass, would provide at the very least a compromise, and some reassurance that we are valued as a community in the ongoing plans. The plans for a Two Village Bypass must allow a bypass of Marlesford and Little Glemham to be constructed at a later date. Sizewell B has already had an adverse effect on the nature and protected species at RSPB Minsmere. Which leads me onto my next point, there has been no clear explanation for the methods of safe disposal of nuclear waste? Until all these matters have been addressed, how can anything at all be approved with clear conscience? There has been promises of this development adding to the local economy by way of creating jobs, perhaps the only positive to arise from any of these proposals. However from past experience, the extra work force and filling of vacancies have been outsourced from other locations. Therefore not a benefit at all locally. The park and ride being evidence of this. There has been proposals to create a further park and ride between Marlesford and Wickham Market, on a temporary basis for ten years. Could the existing facilities not just be expanded? This would save even more disruption and Environmental damage to the local area. I believe the two village bypass has been considered as a more cost effective response in comparison to a four village bypass. However I ask you, how can you put a price on a village, and the quality of life of its residents? Kind Regards Mr A. Cousins